In 2019, Kinshasa counts some thirteen million inhabitants. By 2075, demographers expect that it will be home to forty million more. With such numbers and from a history, both colonial and postcolonial, often marred by political and economic violence, comes a strikingly complex urban experience. Kinshasa Chronicles is a richly textured encounter with this experience: seventy artists, most of whom belong to a very young generation, meet up here to tell tales of one of the world’s most vibrant creative hubs. They address multiple themes – “performance city”, “sport city”, “music city”, “look city”, “capital(ist) city”, “spirit city”, “DIY city”, “future city”, “memory city” – and deploy a rich palette of media, including photography, video, installation and performance art, sculpture, painting, drawing, comics, music, slam and poetry. The mix is explosive and ultra-contemporary : passionate, engaging, thoughtful.