Chimurenga 1 – Music is the Weapon (April 2002)

“…The struggle of black people inevitably appear in an intensely cultural form because the social formation in which their distinct political traditions are now manifest has constructed the arena of politics on ground overshadowed by centuries of metropolitan capitalist development, thereby denying them recognition as legitimate politics. Blacks conduct a class struggle in and through race. The BC of race and class cannot be empirically separated, the class character of black struggles is not a result of the fact that blacks are predominantly proletarian, thought this is true…”- (Frank Talk Staff Writers in ‘Azania Salutes Tosh’ – circa 1981)

front cover:

Tosh by Steve Gordon

back cover:

Kippie by Basil Breakey

Chimurenga Chronic: New Cartographies (March 2015)

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We understand the role of cartography as a tool of imperialism. However, in this edition of the Chronic, we ask: what if maps were made by Africans for their own use, to understand and make visible their own realities or imaginaries? How does it shift the perception we have of ourselves and how we make life on this continent? We don’t have an easy answer, nor will we find one alone. Together with Kwani? we invited writers and artists to produce this new language, in words and images.

Contributors include Achille Mbembe, Philippe Rekacewicz, Billy Kahora, Chris Abani, Yvonne Owuor, Yemisi Ogbe, Agri Ismail, Sinzo Aanza, Antonio Andrade Tomas, Stacy Hardy, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Francis Burger, Nolan Dennis, Wendell Hassan Marsh, Stefano Harney and Tonika Sealy and others.

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Chimurenga Chronic: New Cartographies (March 2015)


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